Editing a template


Plugin supports GIFs!

Responsive image

To insert a responsove image to a template. For auto-layout frames set a parent auto layout setting to Fill container, for others set image Constraints to Left and Right

Fixed width image

To insert an image with fixed width. For auto-layout frames set a parent auto layout setting to Fixed width, for others set image Constraints to Left

Images alignment

To set an aligment for an image use Auto layout or Constrains settings.

Align images in Auto layout parent ↓

Align images in a default parent ↓

Image from your own hosting


Storing images on Google Drive and Dropbox does not work as a hosting service. Please use special tools like Cloudinary (opens in a new tab)

To insert an image from your own hosting select an image and go to the Properties tab and insert a link to the Src address field

Set a link to an image

To insert a link for an image, select an image and go to the Properties tab and insert a link to the Link address field

Alt text

To set an alt text for an image, select an image and go to the Properties tab and insert a text to the Alt text field