Pro account

Pro account

On base account the number of exports is limited to 15.

Base accountPro account
Preheader text
Code minification
Cloud image hosting
Copying code
$0$36 monthly / $360 yearly


Marka Plugin uses Gumroad for managing subscription. Gumroad is a service for accepting monthly payments. When you subscribe for the pro account on Gumroad, you need to verify your account in the Plugin.

How to subscribe on gumroad

  1. Go to the Plugin page on Gumroad (opens in a new tab)
  2. Enter your payment data and subscribe for the Pro account
  3. Run Plugin, click on the User icon and enter the email you used on Gumroad service (this email may be different from you Figma accout email)

Verify Pro account

Cancel subscribtion

You can cancel subscription on Gumroad or just write me an email